A Bouquet of Newly Sharpened Pencils (A Review)


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When we were kids, my little sister, like me, was also a bit of a sucker for a new set of evenly sharpened colouring crayons and a geometry set and the two of us would stoically save our pennies all summer long just to peruse the shelves in our local WHSmith for long enough to select the objects of our desire… Continue reading

Back to School Nerves or The Curse of the Working Mum


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Funny how things don’t quite go as you expect isn’t it?

I did the Organised Mum thing as we broke up last term. Organising is what I do best. That’s why I worked in marketing and sales before becoming Miss Moneypenny. I like to plan and tick things off lists. I checked the uniform list issued last term and the notes I made at the “New Reception Parents” evening held at school, when they stressed the importance of non-marking soles on the plimsolls, begged us to buy velcro straps, not slip-on or lace-ups and gave handy hints for extra long loops on art overalls and top buttons of shirts. I ordered everything we needed and labelled it all diligently. I even reorganised Little Chap’s chest of drawers and wardrobe to make room for everything where he can reach it. Sorted.

Or so I thought… Continue reading