Summer’s End


This gallery contains 3 photos.

The fields are full of golden, ripened corn, tractors organise hay bales into strict lines and freshly dug potatoes into small mountains. As we drive past hedgerows, seed heads nod, dark shadows in place of the blood red poppies seen at Summer’s peak.

It’s harvest time and the leaves are already falling from the trees. There’s a definite autumnal nip in the air now at the beginning and the end of the day, summer’s heat lighter and easier to wear for the freshness of it. The school holidays are all but over and Summer is winding down for the new term, when Autumn will take over with her usual grace and subtlety, bringing cooler days as her own spectacular palette adorns the landscape before leaving us to the barren Winter chill. In homes across the land, children sharpen pencils and parents curse the mountain of uniform to label.

Last year, having not had Summer at all, just endless weeks of wet weather, we were less prepared to slip into Autumn but this year we welcome it more easily. You may have been wondering where I’ve been the last few weeks. Certainly not online. I’ve been blogging less and living more but I like having this space here, waiting for when the time is right to come back. I hope you don’t mind waiting for me now and then.

This year we had a real Summer so I tried to make sure we got out and about in the warm sunshine and made it count. There’s nothing like happy memories of warmer days to see you through the colder ones of winter is there? Here is a snapshot of just a few of the plans we made, captured for posterity… Continue reading

Luxury Family Escapes with Carrier


This gallery contains 7 photos.

With such busy lifestyles, there is no comparable luxury than spending quality time together as a family. Carrier tailor unique family holidays suited to your individual requirements, and for even better value (over school holidays too) they are offering free child places at some of the finest hotels and resorts around the world with savings of up to 40% Continue reading

Moving On…A Pre-School Graduation


This gallery contains 1 photo.

At the end of July, I took the Little Chap to his “new” day nursery for his Graduation from pre-school, a day to be marked with ceremony and, to our mutual delight, cake. It seemed a little incongruous that he should be graduating already… Continue reading