This Week I’m Grateful For…


This gallery contains 1 photo.

I have noticed that there has been an awful lot of gratitude in the blogosphere of late. Bloggers being grateful that is. Maybe that is because I read a number of parent blogs or blogs by people who, while they … Continue reading

A Tale of Two Toddlers: The Hair Wash Day Blues


Following a crazy car journey resulting in a happy day out in the park with friends, I now find myself blogging about two rather different events this week. One of the most self control testing situations I face as a mother, the other, possibly the most encouraging breakthrough in my parenting journey so far! This week’s post is therefore a bit of a saga I’m afraid. Bear with me here…

First, let me take you back to that happy trip to the park, specifically the sandpit – the one where the Little Chap decided to throw the sand… Continue reading